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Costume Guide: How to Dress Up Like Danny Doom from Doomlands

Danny Doom


It’s your favourite wastelander, Danny Doom. If you want to copy his simple but strangely dashing style of clothing, keep reading because we got it all. 

First off, Danny has the iconic white t-shirt, definitely not a good fit when avoiding stains in the wasteland but hey, it’s the risk that makes it fun.

Danny has a long brown unkempt hair, giving him that beer-man slash wastelander vibe. For his lower apparel, Danny wears a black pants with ragged outer edges, the raggedness of these pants is something that must be done handmade by the owner. Last but not least is Danny’s grey belt, it bridges his white shirt which is tucked inside the pants. Optionally, you can buy Fake Bare Feet if you don’t feel comfortable walking at cosplays without wearing footwear.




An avid writer and a research enthusiast, I have worked in different fields of content creation including Novel, Informational, and Technical Writing. My experience taught me that working as a writer without love for research is like creating a document file without using a keyboard... Or maybe writing on a piece of paper using an inkless pen... or maybe both.

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