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5 Online Cooking Business Ideas To Inspire You

If you’re looking to strike out on your own and start a new business, you may be wondering what kind of opportunity you should pursue. If you’re tired of the same old grind and want to do something different, consider this list of five unique cooking business ideas.

#1 – Sourdough Bread

Mike Greenfield teaches people how to make sourdough bread.

If you can provide this service, and make a superior product to boot, you may have a profitable business on your hands.

Mike has a huge cooking channel with 3 million subs, and one way he monetizes is by selling a $147 course to teach people how to make delicious bread.

#2 – Kombucha

Mike Greenfield teaches people how to make kombucha. Another course for $100.

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with tea and yeast that is said to help people with digestion, weight loss, and basically everything. It can be made at home with expensive starter kits, but Mike also teaches how to build your equipment.

#3 – Homebrewing Beers

Joseph Lavoie teaches Brewing Complex Beer

He is the founder of Beercrafter, and he monetizes from it by selling a $48 course to teach people how to master brewing beers at home! 

If you want to make beer at home, chances are good there aren’t a lot of other homebrewers in your area. But don’t underestimate the competition for brewing classes.

#4 – Light Lemon Tart

Nicolas Botomisy teaches people how to make Light Lemon Tart.

This guy has been a pastry chef and chocolatier for over 20 years and consults in about 13-15 countries a year!

For him, a lemon tart is not a traditional one that you usually get – it’s a light, silky dessert that uses egg whites to create the texture and fluffiness of the tarts. He shows how to make these in his courses on Udemy and charges $45.

#5 – 3 Chocolates Tart

Nicolas Botomisy teaches people how to make 3 Chocolates Tart. One way he monetizes is by selling a $45 course to teach people how to make hearty 3 Chocolates Tart.

If you’re looking to get into the chocolate niche but aren’t sure what to teach, you can really hit it big by teaching how to make chocolate. Many people want to make their own, and there’s not a lot of information on the topic.


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